ProPak Philippines 2021 ep1 webinar: “Smart Packaging in the New Normal”

Join us on the first episode of ProPak Philippines webinar this 2021. Discussion will be about “SMART PACKAGING IN THE NEW NORMAL” to be led by Mr. Andrew Manly, the President of Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association in The Netherlands. This webinar will be moderated by the Event Manager of ProPak Philippines who is […]
ProPak Philippines ep5 webinar: “MSMEs: Overcoming Challenges to Succeed on the road to Recovery”

The final episode of this year’s ProPak Philippines webinar is about “MSMEs: Overcoming Challenges to Succeed on the road to Recovery”. The speakers of the webinar are well known in the MSME community such as Mr. Clarke Nebrao, the Chairman of Association of Laguna Food Processors Inc., and Director Jerry Clavesillas, the Director of Philippines’ […]
ProPak Philippines ep4 webinar: “Packaging of Fresh Produced Food: Meat, Fruits and Vegetables”

Join the 4th episode of ProPak Philippines webinar sponsored by MULTIVAC. The theme is about “Packaging of Fresh Produced Food: Meat, Fruits and Vegetables”. This webinar will be moderated by none other than the president of Philippine Association of Food Technologists Inc., Dr. Ma. Leonora dL Francisco. Our invited speakers are Dr. Pattra Maneesin, Secretary General […]
ProPak Philippines ep3 webinar: “Packaging Alternatives during COVID-19 Pandemic”

The 3rd episode of ProPak Philippines webinar will be about the techniques on how to save production and cost on your product’s packaging due to the current pandemic situation. The ep3 webinar of ProPak Philippines will be moderated by Mr. Clarke S. Nebrao, Chairman of Association of Laguna Food Processors Inc. Our invited speakers are Engr. […]
ProPak Philippines ep2 webinar: “Philippines’ Packaging Trends: The Essentials of Safe and Sustainable Packaging”

The 2nd episode of ProPak Philippines webinar is about Safe and Sustainable Packaging. What is it and how does it take place in our society nowadays. Our invited experts from the industry are Ms. Nerida Kelton, MAIP, of Australian Institute of Packaging and World Packaging Organisation and Mr. Crispian N. Lao of Philippine Alliance for Recycling […]
ProPak Series Webinar 3: How COVID-19 is Impacting Sustainable Packaging and Global Recycling Targets

Webinar 3 in the series will discuss how COVID-19 is Impacting the Packaging Industry in relation to Sustainable Packaging & Global Recycling Targets. The interactive session will include a global panel of experts who will discuss Global Sustainable Design Targets, the revival of Single Use Packaging and of plastics packaging to secure food and Littering/Collection […]
ProPak Philippines EP1 Webinar: “Emerging Trends in Processing and Packaging during Pandemic”

The first episode of ProPak Philippines webinar will be about the “Emerging Trends in Processing and Packaging during Pandemic” and will have Dr. Pattra Maneesin of Asian Packaging Federation and Ms. Ma. Leonora dL Francisco, PhD of Philippine Association of Food Technologists Inc. as the speakers. This ProPak Philippines ep1 webinar will be moderated by […]